Matthias Hackert-Oschätzchen
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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Phys. Matthias Hackert-Oschätzchen
Inhaber des Sächsischen Hochschuldidaktik-Zertifikats

September 2024



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VDE SPEC 90028 V1.0 (de): Methode zur Erstellung digitaler Zwillinge von Prozessenergiequellen für das elektrochemische Präzisionsabtragen 

DIN SPEC 91481:2024-02: Classification of recycled plastics of polyamides by Data Quality Levels for use and (digital) trading

DIN SPEC 17028:2021-04: Additive Fertigung - Methode zur zerstörungsfreien Ermittlung von mechanischen Eigenschaften von additiv gefertigten Kunststoffteilen

DIN SPEC 91399:2018-12: Methode zur Bestimmung von Prozesseingangsgrößen für das elektrochemische Präzisionsabtragen - Anforderungen, Kriterien, Festlegungen

R. Petermann, P. Clauß, P. Damm, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Experimental derivation of process input parameters for electrochemical precision machining of a powder metallurgical tool steel, In: Materials research proceedings, Volume 41, 2024

A. Thielecke, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, T. Berger, S. Loebel, A. Martin, R. Schulze, A. Schubert: Simulation-based analysis of electrical current induction in a device for electrochemical precision machining of Nd Fe B permanent magnets, In: Materials research proceedings, Volume 41, 2024

P. Damm, M. Adinehvand, M. Beutner, G. Meichsner, G. Hahn, D. Zimmermann, M. Steffens, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Analysis of the influence of the initial surface integrity on the result of burnished high torque splined shafts, In: Materials research proceedings, Volume 41, 2024

V. Artiushenko, S. Lang, C. Lerez, T. Reggelin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Resource-efficient Edge AI solution for predictive maintenance, Procedia Computer Science, 232, 2024 

A. Riefer, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, P. Plänitz, G. Meichsner: Characterization of iron(III) in aqueous and alkaline environments with ab initio and ReaxFF potentials, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 2024

C. Michaelis, E. Koslowski, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Giese, C. Hamers, C. Schwarz: Gas/hydrogen blends as fuel to produce secondary aluminium, International Aluminium Journal, 1-2, 2024 
ISSN 0002-6689

A. Martin, T. Berger, S. Loebel, R. Schulze, A. Thielecke, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Accuracy of pulsed electrochemical machining of NdFeB rotor magnets, In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, T. Hall, M. Zeiner, 2023 
ISBN 978-3-00-077159-0

J. Hülsmann, T. Fraune, B. Dodawatta, F. Reuter, M. Beutner, V. Beck, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, C. D. Ohl, K. Bettenbrock, G. Janiga, J. Wippermann, M. Wacker: Integrated biophysical matching of bacterial nanocellulose coronary artery bypass grafts towards bioinspired artery typical functions, In: Scientific Reports, Volume 13, 2023

A. Riefer, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, P. Plänitz: Derivation of parameter sets for the ReaxFF+ method for modeling an electrochemical machining process, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 117, 2023

A. Thielecke, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Komilov, G. Meichsner, T. Petzold, S. Loebel, A. Martin, R. Schulze, A. Schubert: Simulation-based analysis of electrical current induction in electrochemical precision machining of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 117, 2023

P. Damm, G. Meichsner, C. Lerez, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Design of a user-friendly human machine interface for jet electrochemical machining, In: Materials research proceedings, Volume 28, 2023

A. Thielecke, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Digital twin for the determination of process input variables for electrochemical precision machining according to DIN SPEC 91399, In: Materials research proceedings, Volume 28, 2023

J. Döring, V. Voropai, A. Thielecke, O. Maiß, M. Müller, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Häberle, C. H. Lohmann, J. Bertrand: Steigerung des Torsionswiderstands der Konussteckverbindung durch einen angepassten Fertigungsprozess der CoCrMo Hüftkugel, In: 12. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB), 2022 

J. Hülsmann, F. Reuter, M. Beutner, T. Fraune, V. Beck, M. Wacker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, C.-D. Ohl, K. Bettenbrock, M. Scherner, J. Wippermann: Improving the Biofunctionality of Bacterial Nanocellulose Hydrogel Scaffolds by Bioprocessing Strategies, In: 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), 2022 

J. Hülsmann, F. Reuter, M. Beutner, M. Wacker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, C.-D. Ohl, K. Bettenbrock, G. Janiga, M. P. Scherner, J. Wippermann: How to optimize coronary artery bypass graft prosthesis based on bacterial nanocellulose, In: 5th International Symposium on Bacterial Cellulose, 2022 

S. Loebel, T. Petzold, A. Martin, P. Steinert, A. Schubert, A. Thielecke, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Schulze: Comparison of electrochemical removal characteristics between magnetized and demagnetized NdFeB, In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: T. Koyano, M. Uchiyama, 2022 
ISBN 978-4-915698-21-7

T. Wienand, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Jet electrochemical machining simulation of intersecting line removals with adjustable nozzle diameter by a finite area element grid, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 102, 2021

T. Wienand, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Transient Removal Simulation of the Jet Electrochemical Machining Process based on a Finite Area Element Grid, In: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, 2020 
ISBN 978-3-95735-125-8

G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Experimental Characterization of Resource Efficient Process Chains for Electrochemical Precision Machining of Form-bore Patterns, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 95, 2020

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, P. Steinert, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Working Gap Analysis in Electrochemical Precision Machining of External Geometries with Ring Cathodes, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 95, 2020

I. Danilov, R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, S. Quitzke, A. Schubert: Random Sequential Simulation of the Resulting Surface Roughness in Plasma Electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 95, 2020

T. Berger, M. Herzig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H.-P. Schulze, A. Martin, O. Kröning, A. Schubert: Experimental Characterisation of a High Dynamic Piezo Module for Resource-efficient Electrothermal Precision Ablation, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 95, 2020

C. Döbberthin, R. Müller, G. Meichsner, F. Welzel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Experimental analysis of the shape accuracy in electrochemical polishing of femoral heads for hip endoprosthesis, In: Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 47, 2020

I. Schaarschmidt, P. Steinert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert, G. Jungblut: Experimental study on micro forming of structured surfaces for high static friction connection elements, In: Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 47, 2020

T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Deburring and Edge Shaping by Electrochemical Machining with Differentially Switched Currents, In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, A. Ernst, 2019 
ISBN 978-3-00-064086-5

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, T. Petzold, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Modelling of Precise Electrochemical Machining for Nickel-based Centrifugal Impellers, In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, A. Ernst, 2019 
ISBN 978-3-00-064086-5

S. Schröder, A. Martin, V. Kahle, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Removal rate and surface roughness in plasma-electrolytic polishing of 1.4441 stainless steel, In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, A. Ernst, 2019 
ISBN 978-3-00-064086-5

S. Quitzke, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Process Design for Jet Plasma electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, A. Ernst, 2019 
ISBN 978-3-00-064086-5

G. Tosello, M. Gulcur, B. Whiteside, P. Coates, A. Luca, P. V. d. S. L. Fook, O. Riemer, I. Danilov, M. Y. Zanjani, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, F. Baruffi, S. B. Achour, M. Calaon, C. V. Nielsen, G. Bissacco, E. Cannella, A. Rasmussen, M. Bellotti, K. Saxena, J. Qian, D. Reynaerts, T. Santoso, W. Syam, R. Leach, S. K. Kose, P. Parenti, M. Annoni, Y. Cai, X. Luo, Y. Qin, H. Zeidler: Micro product and process fingerprints for zero-defect net-shape micromanufacturing, In: Proceedings of the 19th euspen International Conference , 2019 
ISBN 978-0-9957751-4-5

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Implementation of the Machine Tool-Specific Current and Voltage Control Characteristics in Multiphysics Simulation of Electrochemical Precision Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 82, 2019

R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, I. Danilov, M. Yahyavi Zanjani, A. Schubert: 3D Multiphysics Simulation of Jet Electrochemical Machining of Intersecting Line Removals, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 82, 2019

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of Oxide Layer Growth in Localized Anodization of Aluminum Applying a Free-Surface Electrolyte Jet, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 82, 2019

M. Yahyavi Zanjani, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert: Process Control in Jet Electrochemical Machining of Stainless Steel through Inline Metrology of Current Density, In: Micromachines, Volume 10(3), 2019

I. Danilov, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, G. Meichsner, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert: Process Understanding of Plasma Electrolytic Polishing through Multiphysics Simulation and Inline Metrology, In: Micromachines, Volume 10(3), 2019

R. Morgenstern, A. Martin, N. Lehnert, I. Scharf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, T. Lampke: Localized anodization of the aluminum alloy en AW-7075 T6 by closed electrolytic free jet, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 480, 2019

T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Design of an Electrolyte System for Electrochemical Machining with Differentially Switched Currents, In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 2019 
ISBN: 978-0-7972-1779-9

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Design of Electrochemical Machining Processes for Microstructuring of High-strength Materials, In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: T. Bergs, T. Herrig, S. Harst, A. Klink, 2018 
ISBN 978-3-86359-667-5

A. Martin, T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Experimental Derivation of Process In-put Parameters for Electrochemical Machining with Differentially Switched Currents, In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: T. Bergs, T. Herrig, S. Harst, A. Klink, 2018 
ISBN 978-3-86359-667-5

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. Loebel, L. Boenig, A. Schubert, M. Putz: Characterization of the Lateral Working Distance in Precise Electrochemical Machining of Differently Heat Treated Steel, In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: T. Bergs, T. Herrig, S. Harst, A. Klink, 2018 
ISBN 978-3-86359-667-5

S. Quitzke, O. Kröning, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H.-P. Schulze, C. Kranhold, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Design of a Test Rig for Local Surface Modification by Jet Plasma Electrolytic Polishing, In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: T. Bergs, T. Herrig, S. Harst, A. Klink, 2018 
ISBN 978-3-86359-667-5

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Simulationsbasierte Gestaltung von elektrochemischen Abtragprozessen für hochfeste Materialien, In: Tagungsband zum 1. Kolloquium der sächsischen Allianz für Material- und ressourceneffiziente Technologien, 2018 
ISBN 978-3-95735-091-6

A. Schubert, A. Martin, M. Yahyavi Zanjani, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Elektrochemisches Abtragen im Freistrahl, In: Mikroproduktion, 6, 2018 
ISSN 1614-4538

M. Penzel, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Numerical Investigation of Electrolyte Flow in a Multi-Cathode System for Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2018 

I. Danilov, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of the Removal Process in Plasma Electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2018 

I. Schaarschmidt, P. Steinert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Analysis of a Microstructuring Process for Bolt Surfaces with Increased Friction, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2018 

N. Lehnert, A. Martin, J. W. Mwangi, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, R. Morgenstern, T. Lampke: Multiphysics Simulation of Localised Anodisation of Aluminium, In: Proceedings of the 18th euspen International Conference, 2018 
ISBN 978-0-9957751-2-1

A. Schubert, T. Berger, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Treffkorn, R. Kühn: Surface Structuring of Boron Doped CVD Diamond by Micro Electrical Discharge Machining, In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1960, 2018

N. Lehnert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Study on the Influence of the Processing Speed in the Generation of Complex Geometries in Aluminium Matrix Composites by Electrochemical Precision Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 68, 2018

T. Berger, H.-P. Schulze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Herzig, O. Kröning, A. Schubert: Design of a High Dynamic Piezo Module for Resource-efficient Electrothermal Precision Ablation, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 68, 2018

A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Fundamental Removal Geometry in Electrochemical Profile Turning with Continuous Electrolytic Free Jet, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 68, 2018

N. Lehnert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Derivation of Guidelines for Reliable Finishing of Aluminium Matrix Composites by Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 68, 2018

R. Schimmelpfennig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Microstructuring of Joining Areas in Aluminum Alloy Sheets by Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Technologies for Lightweight Structures, Volume 1, 2017

A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Removal Geometry in Electrochemical Straight Turning with Continuous Electrolytic Free Jet, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Michaelis, M. Schneider, 2017 
ISBN 978-3-8396-1261-3

M. Yahyavi Zanjani, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Evaluation of On-Machine Gap Measurement Strategies in Jet-Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Michaelis, M. Schneider, 2017 
ISBN 978-3-8396-1261-3

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Development of Interfaces for Material Data Integration in Models of Electrochemical Machining Processes, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Michaelis, M. Schneider, 2017 
ISBN 978-3-8396-1261-3

G. Meichsner, T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz, G. Hahn: Reduplication of Precise Internal Geometries by Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Michaelis, M. Schneider, 2017 
ISBN 978-3-8396-1261-3

R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Approximation of the Flow Field in Electrochemical Machining Incorporating Pressure Drop Calculation, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2017 

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiscale Model of the PECM with Oscillating Cathode for External Geometries using a Virtual Switch, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2017 

P. Steinert, R. Paul, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, T. Muschalek, J. Esslinger, A. Schubert: Analysis of Mixing Chambers for the Processing of Two-component Adhesives for Transport Applications, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2017 

M. Penzel, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Ludwig, A. Adamczewski, A. Schulz, M. Lausberg: Investigation of Forced Convection in Pin Structured Cold Plates for Improved Heat Transfer and Heat Spreading, In: Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2017 

M. Herzig, T. Berger, H.-P. Schulze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, O. Kröning, A. Schubert: Modification of the process dynamics in micro-EDM by means of an additional piezo-control system, In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1896, 2017

R. Kühn, T. Berger, M. Prieske, R. Börner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Deposition and Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of CVD-Diamond Layers Incorporated with Silicon, In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1896, 2017

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, M. Kowalick, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Characterization of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Precise Internal Geometries by Multiphysics Simulation, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 58, 2017

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiscale Multiphysics Simulation of a Pulsed Electrochemical Machining Process with Oscillating Cathode for Microstructuring of Impact Extrusion Punches, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 58, 2017

M. Sieber, R. Morgenstern, D. Kuhn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, T. Lampke: Downscaled anodic oxidation process for aluminium in oxalic acid, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 181, 2017

D. Kuhn, A. Martin, C. Eckart, M. Sieber, R. Morgenstern, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, T. Lampke, A. Schubert: Localised anodic oxidation of aluminium material using a continuous electrolyte jet, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 181, 2017

A. Spille-Kohoff, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Schulze, S. Busan: 3D CFD Simulation of Electrochemical Machining Based on Dissolving Characteristics within the SIREKA Joint Research Project, In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, 2016 
ISBN 978-9-4619746-1-7

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, G. Meichsner, C. Scherf, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Experimental Derivation of Processing Strategies for Electrochemical Precision Machining of Aluminium Matrix Composites, In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, 2016 
ISBN 978-9-4619746-1-7

A. Martin, D. Kuhn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Design and Realisation of a Specific Device for Jet Electrochemical Machining of Rotating Work Pieces, In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, 2016 
ISBN 978-9-4619746-1-7

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, T. Petzold, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz: Removal Characteristic of Stainless Steel in Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, 2016 
ISBN 978-9-4619746-1-7

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, M. Kowalick, C. Scherf, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Analysis of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2016 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, R. Paul, M. Zinecker, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: 2-D Axisymmetric Simulation of the Electrochemical Machining of Internal Precision Geometries, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2016 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, M. Kreißig, M. Kowalick, M. Zinecker, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Stamping and Extrusion Dies, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2016 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Surface Characterization of Particle Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composites Finished by Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 45, 2016

A. Martin, C. Eckart, N. Lehnert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Generation of Defined Surface Waviness on Tungsten Carbide by Jet Electrochemical Machining with Pulsed Current, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 45, 2016

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz: Fast Determination of the Material Removal Characteristics in Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 46, 2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Jet Electrochemical Machining of Particle Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites with Different Neutral Electrolytes, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 118, 2016

A. Schubert, U. Götze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, F. Herold, G. Meichsner, A. Schmidt: Evaluation of the Technical-Economic Potential of Particle- Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites and Electrochemical Machining, In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 118, 2016

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, S. Winkler, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, H. Zeidler, J. Edelmann: Generation of Complex Surfaces by Superimposed Multi-dimensional Motion in Electrochemical Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 42, 2016

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, R. Kühn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. Flemmig, N. Treffkorn: Investigation of Ablation Behaviour in Micro-EDM of Nonconductive Ceramic Composites ATZ and Si3N4-TiN, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 42, 2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Gestaltung von elektrochemischen Abtragprozessen durch Multiphysiksimulation gezeigt an der Endformgebung von Mikrobohrungen, In: A. Schubert (Hrsg.): Scripts Precision and Microproduction Engineering, Band 10, 2015 
ISBN 978-3-95735-028-2

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert: Endformgebung von hochfesten, partikelverstärkten Aluminiummatrix-Verbundwerkstoffen (AMCs) durch elektrochemisches Abtragen, DGM-Magazin dIALOG, Ausgabe 4, 2015 
ISSN 2193:3383

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Morgenstern, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, T. Lampke, A. Schubert: Basic Research on Electrochemical Machining of Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites, In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, 2015 

A. Spille-Kohoff, R. Schulze, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. Busan: Optimized design of electrochemical machining processes by a combination of 3D simulation and rapid prototyping of cathodes, In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, 2015 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, M. Kowalick, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of the Material Removal in Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 31, 2015

O. Kröning, M. Herzig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Kühn, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of Tungsten Carbide with Ultra-Short Pulse, In: Key Engineering Materials, Volumes 651-653, 2015

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, N. Lehnert, A. Schubert: Study on the Dynamic Generation of the Jet Shape in Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 223, 2015

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, G. Hahn, M. Putz: Characterisation of the Influence of Material Hardness in Precise Electrochemical Machining of Steel, In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA 17), 2015 
ISBN 978-80-87434-07-9

H. Zeidler, A. Martin, M. Kowalick, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Analysis of a PECM Electrode Concept for Micro Injection Moulds by Multiphysics Simulation, In: Proceedings of the 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference, 2015

G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, T. Petzold, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert: Quantifizierung der Gasentwicklung beim elektrochemischen Präzisionsabtragen, In: Galvanotechnik, 106, 2015 
ISSN 0016-4232

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Evaluation of Gap Control Strategies in Jet Electrochemical Machining on Defined Shape Deviations, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, A. Rebschläger, 2014 
ISBN 978-3-95735-010-7

G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, T. Petzold, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert: Determination of the gas generation during precise electrochemical machining, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: D. Bähre, A. Rebschläger, 2014 
ISBN 978-3-95735-010-7

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Electrochemical Removal of Aluminium Matrix Composites Using Multiphysics Simulation, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2014 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of the Electrolyte Flow in a Closed Device for Precise Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2014 

S. Winkler, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Elektrochemisches Präzisionsabtragen - neue Möglichkeiten zur Formgebung schwer bearbeitbarer Werkstoffe, In: Ingenieur-Spiegel, 3, 2014 
ISSN 1868-5919

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Analysis of Strategies for Gap Control in Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 14th euspen International Conference, 2014 
ISBN 978-0-9566790-3-1

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, K. Kempen, J.-P. Kruth: Jet-Electrochemical Machining of Selective Laser Melted Aluminum and Steel Alloys for Micro Injection Moulds, In: Proceedings of the 14th euspen International Conference, 2014 
ISBN 978-0-9566790-3-1

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: An investigation into the influence of micro structures on nucleate boiling processes, In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and its Applications, 2014

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Application of Nucleate Boiling with Micro Structured Surfaces for Electronic Cooling, In: Proceedings of the PCIM EUROPE, 2014 
ISBN 978-3-8007-3603-4

O. Kröning, M. Herzig, H.-P. Schulze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Kühn, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Resource-efficient machining of hard metals, In: Key Engineering Materials, Volumes 611-612, 2014

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert: Ressourceneffiziente Gestaltung des elektrochemischen Präzisionsabtragens, In: Galvanotechnik, 105, 2014 
ISSN 0016-4232

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, L. Boenig, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, M. Krönert, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Elektrochemisches Präzisionsabtragen rotierender Werkstücke, In: Galvanotechnik, 105, 2014 
ISSN 0016-4232

M. M. Lohrengel, K.P. Rataj, N. Schubert, M. Schneider, S. Höhn, A. Michaelis, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Electrochemical Machining of Hard Metals - WC/Co as an example, In: Powder Metallurgy, Volume 57 ,

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, L. Boenig, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, M. Krönert, A. Schubert: Precise Electrochemical Machining of Rotating Workpieces, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, 2013 
ISBN 978-3-942267-95-3

B. Hommel, F. Jähn, M. Scharrnbeck, R. Garn, A. Lenk, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Edge Rounding of Micro Bores by Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, 2013 
ISBN 978-3-942267-95-3

H. Zeidler, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Jet Electrochemical Machining of Selective Laser Sintered Metals for Micro Injection Moulds, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, 2013 
ISBN 978-3-942267-95-3

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann: Resource-Efficient Design of Precise Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, 2013 
ISBN 978-3-942267-95-3

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert, B. Hommel, F. Jähn, M. Scharrnbeck, R. Garn, A. Lenk: 2D Axisymmetric Simulation of the Electrochemical Finishing of Micro Bores by Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2013 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, M. Penzel, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation of Heat Transfer on Periodic Microstructured Surfaces for Evaporation Cooling, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2013 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kreißig, M. Kowalick, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert, O. Kröning, M. Herzig, H.-P. Schulze: Single Discharge Simulations of Needle Pulses for Electrothermal Ablation, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2013 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, R. Kühn, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Mikrostrukturierung von Hartmetall durch elektrochemisches Abtragen mit geschlossenem Freistrahl - Teil 2, In: Galvanotechnik, 104, 2013 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, R. Kühn, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Mikrostrukturierung von Hartmetall durch elektrochemisches Abtragen mit geschlossenem Freistrahl - Teil 1, In: Galvanotechnik, 104, 2013 

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Determining of micro structuring technologies for nucleate boiling surfaces, In: Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2013 

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Energy-efficient cooling using microstructures for nucleate boiling process, In: Proceedings of the PCIM EUROPE, 2013 
ISBN 978-3-8007-3505-1

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Micro Structuring of Carbide Metals Applying Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Precision Engineering, Volume 37, Issue 3, 2013

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, M. Kowalick, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining for Functional Edge Shaping of Micro Bores, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 6, 2013

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, M. Hahn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider: Micro-EDM Milling of Electrically Nonconducting Zirconia Ceramics, In: Procedia CIRP, Volume 6, 2013

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider, M. Hahn: Enhancing Micro-EDM using Ultrasonic Vibration and Strategies for Machining of Nonconducting Ceramics, In: Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 59, Issue 3, 2013

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, J. Edelmann: Präzises, elektrochemisches Mikro-Drahtschneiden, In: Galvanotechnik, 104, 2013 
ISSN 0016-4232

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Micro Machining with Continuous Electrolytic Free Jet, In: Precision Engineering, Volume 36, Issue 4, 2012

A. Schubert, P. Steinert, T. Schmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Manufacturing of Tribologically Optimized Surfaces for Powertrain Applications, In: Key Engineering Materials, Volumes 523-524, 2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Effect of Tungsten Carbide Grain Size in Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editor: M. Zybura-Skrabalak, 2012 
ISBN 978-83-931339-5-6

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, J. Edelmann: Micro Wire Cutting by Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editor: M. Zybura-Skrabalak, 2012 
ISBN 978-83-931339-5-6

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, W. Meyer, M. Unger, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Edge rounding of EDM micro bores using a plasma electrolytic polishing process, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editor: M. Zybura-Skrabalak, 2012 
ISBN 978-83-931339-5-6

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of the Electrochemical Finishing of Micro Bores, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2012 
ISBN 978-0-9839688-7-0

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, P. Plänitz, A. Schubert: Pseudo-3D Multiphysics Simulation of a Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy Reactor, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2012 
ISBN 978-0-9839688-7-0

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler, J. Edelmann: Micro Structured Surfaces for Thermodynamic Applications, In: Proceedings of the euspen 3rd Topical Meeting - Structured and Freeform Surfaces, 2012 

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Evaluierung des Einflusses des elektrischen Potenzials beim Jet-ECM, In: Galvanotechnik, 103, 2012 
ISSN 0016-4232

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Martin, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Fast Micromilling with Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium, 2012 
ISBN 978-86-7083-762-1

H. Zeidler, M. Hahn, J. Schneider, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Accelerated Precision Manufacturing through Electro Discharge Machining with Ultrasonic Vibration Assistance, In: Proceedings of the 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium, 2012 
ISBN 978-86-7083-762-1

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Micro Structuring of Carbide Metals with Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 12th euspen International Conference, 2012 
ISBN 978-0-9566790-0-0

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler: Functional Edge Shaping of Micro Bores by Applying Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 12th euspen International Conference, 2012 
ISBN 978-0-9566790-0-0

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, N. Wolf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider: Ultrasonic-Assisted Micro-EDM of Deep Bores: Process and Discharge Analysis, In: Proceedings of the 12th euspen International Conference, 2012 
ISBN 978-0-9566790-0-0

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, J. Edelmann: Präzise elektrochemische Bearbeitung von pulvermetallurgischen Stählen, In: Galvanotechnik, 103, 2012 
ISSN 0016-4232

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Martin: Evaluation of the Influence of the Electric Potential in Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: B. Mollay, M.M. Lohrengel, 2011 
ISBN 978-3-00-036247-7

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, J. Edelmann: Pulsed Electrochemical Machining of Powder Metallurgy Steels, In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: B. Mollay, M.M. Lohrengel, 2011 
ISBN 978-3-00-036247-7

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. F. Jahn, A. Schubert: Design of Electrochemical Machining Processes by Multiphysics Simulation, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2011 
ISBN 978-0-9839688-0-1

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, J. Edelmann: Precision and Micro ECM with Localized Anodic Dissolution, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies, Editor: J.M. Slabe, 2011 
ISBN 978-961-6692-02-1

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, N. Wolf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider: Ultrasonic Assistance and Nonconductive Materials: Shifting the Boundaries of Micro-EDM, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies, Editor: J.M. Slabe, 2011 
ISBN 978-961-6692-02-1

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker: Design and realization of micro structured surfaces for thermodynamic applications, In: Microsystem Technologies, Volume 17, Issue 9, 2011

A. Schubert, R. Neugebauer, D. Sylla, M. Avila, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Manufacturing of surface microstructures for improved tribological efficiency of powertrain components and forming tools, In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2011

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Precision Turning with localized anodic dissolution, In: Proceedings of the 11th euspen International Conference, 2011 
ISBN 978-0-9553082-9-1

A. Schubert, J. Edelmann, D. Sylla, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Structuring of tribological active surfaces for reduction of frictional losses, In: Proceedings of the 11th euspen International Conference, 2011 
ISBN 978-0-9553082-9-1

A. Schubert, S. F. Jahn, B. Müller, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Study on the Influence of the Forming Velocity in Micro Impact Extrusion with Modular Dies, In: Proceedings of the 11th euspen International Conference, 2011 
ISBN 978-0-9553082-9-1

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, H. Zeidler, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Micro Machining of Different Steels with Closed Electrolytic Free Jet, In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1353, 2011

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, N. Wolf, M. Hackert: Micro Electro Discharge Machining of Electrically Nonconductive Ceramics, In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1353, 2011

A. Schubert, J. Edelmann, S. Gross, H. Zeidler, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert N. Wolf, J. Schneider: Micromanufacturing Of Hard To Machine Materials By Physical And Chemical Ablation Processes, In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1315, 2011

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Micro Turning with Closed Electrolytic Free Jet, In: Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: J. Deconinck, D. De Wilde, 2010 
ISBN 978-90-5487-818-6

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, S. F. Jahn, A. Schubert: Investigating the Influence of Dynamic Jet Shapes on the Jet Electrochemical Machining Process, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2010 
ISBN 978-0-9825697-6-4

A. Schubert, S. F. Jahn, M. Hackert: Simulation of a Forming Process for Joining a Piezo Aluminium Module, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2010 
ISBN 978-0-9825697-6-4

S. F. Jahn, S. Ebert, M. Hackert, W. A. Goedel, A. Schubert, R. R. Baumann: Simulation of the Mechanical Stability of Inkjet-Printed Hierarchical Microsieves, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2010 
ISBN 978-0-9825697-6-4

M. Hackert, A. Schubert, G. Meichsner: Abtragende Fertigung mikrostrukturierter Oberflächen mit geschlossenem elektrolytischem Freistrahl, In: Galvanotechnik, 101, 2010 
ISSN 0016-4232

A. Schubert, R. Neugebauer, D. Sylla, M. Avila, M. Hackert: Fertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien für anforderungsgerechte, tribologisch effiziente Oberflächen von Umformwerkzeugen und Powertrain-Bauteilen, In: Tagungsband zum 1. Internationalen Kolloquium des Spitzentechnologieclusters eniPROD, Herausgeber: R. Neugebauer, 2010 
ISBN 978-3-942267-00-7

A. Schubert, R. Pohl, M. Hackert: Micro Impact Extrusion of Precision Cavities with Modular Dies, In: Proceedings of the 10th euspen International Conference, 2010 
ISBN 978-0-9553082-8-4

M. Hackert: Entwicklung und Simulation eines Verfahrens zum elektrochemischen Abtragen von Mikrogeometrien mit geschlossenem elektrolytischen Freistrahl, In: A. Schubert (Hrsg.): Scripts Precision and Microproduction Engineering, Band 2, 2010 
ISBN 978-3-937524-95-5

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Generating plane and microstructured surfaces applying Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editors: A. Michaelis, M. Schneider, 2009 
ISBN 978-3-8396-0076-4

M. Hackert, A. Schubert, G. Meichsner: Simulation of a Heated Tool System for Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2009 
ISBN 978-0-9825697-2-6

A. Schubert, M. Hackert, G. Meichsner: Simulating the Influence of the Nozzle Diameter on the Shape of Micro Geometries Generated with Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2009 
ISBN 978-0-9825697-2-6

A. Schubert, R. Pohl, M. Hackert: Simulation of a Modular Die Stamp for Micro Impact Extrusion, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2009 
ISBN 978-0-9825697-2-6

A. Schubert, M. Hackert, G. Meichsner: Elektrochemisches Strukturieren von Oberflächen mit geschlossenem elektrolytischen Freistrahl, In: Tagungsband zum 12. Werkstofftechnischen Kolloquium, 2009 
ISBN 978-3-00-029007-7

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Simulation of the Shape of Micro Geometries generated with Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 2008 
ISBN 978-0-9766792-3-3

A. Schubert, M. Hackert: Blick in den Elektrolytstrahl, In: Mikroproduktion, 4, 2008 
ISSN 1614-4538

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Generating Micro Geometries with Air assisted Jet Electrochemical Machining, In: Proceedings of the euspen 10th Anniversary International Conference, Editors: H. van Brussel, E. Brinksmeier, H. Spaan, T. Burke, 2008 
ISBN 978-0-9553082-5-3

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Fast Micro Structuring with Electrolyte Jet Machining, In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Editor: A. Schubert, 2007 
ISBN 978-3-00-022770-7

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Electrochemical Machining of Carbide Metal Micro Tools, In: Proceedings of the 7th euspen International Conference, Editor: E. Thornett, 2007 
ISBN 978-0-9553082-2-2

P. Häussler, J. Barzola-Quiquia, D. Hauschild, J. Rauchhaupt, M. Stiehler, M. Hackert: Spherical periodicity, a general feature of matter at its early stages of formation, In: Science of Complex Alloy Phases, 43-86, TMS The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society , 2005 
ISBN 0-87339-593-X

T. G. Gopakumar, M. Lackinger, M. Hackert, F. Müller, M. Hietschold: Adsorption of Palladium Phtalocyanine on Graphite (0001): an STM and LEED study, In: J. Phys. Chem. B, 1008, 2004

P. Damm, M. Adinehvand, M. Beutner, G. Meichsner, G. Hahn, D. Zimmermann, M. Steffens, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Analysis of the influence of the initial surface integrity on the result of burnished high torque splined shafts, 27th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Toulouse, France, 25.04.2024

R. Petermann, P. Clauß, P. Damm, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Experimental Derivation of Process Input Parameters for Electrochemical Precision Machining of a Powder Metallurgical Tool Steel, 27th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Toulouse, France, 26.04.2024

A. Thielecke, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, T. Berger, S. Loebel, A. Martin, R. Schulze, A. Schubert: Simulation-based analysis of electrical current induction in a device for electrochemical precision machining of Nd‑Fe‑B permanent magnets, 27th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Toulouse, France, 26.04.2024

V. Artiushenko, S. Lang, C. Lerez, T. Reggelin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Resource-efficient Edge AI solution for predictive maintenance, 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM), Lisbon, Portugal, 23.11.2023

A. Martin, T. Berger, S. Loebel, R. Schulze, A. Thielecke, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Accuracy of pulsed electrochemical machining of NdFeB rotor magnets, 19th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 14.11.2023

A. Riefer, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, P. Plänitz: Derivation of parameter sets for the ReaxFF+ method for modeling an electrochemical machining process, 19th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Karlsruhe, Germany, 31.05.2023

A. Thielecke, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Komilov, G. Meichsner, T. Petzold, S. Loebel, A. Martin, R. Schulze, A. Schubert: Simulation-based analysis of electrical current induction in electrochemical precision machining of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, 19th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Karlsruhe, Germany, 31.05.2023

P. Damm, G. Meichsner, C. Lerez, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Design of a user-friendly human machine interface for jet electrochemical machining, 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Kraków, Poland, 21.04.2023

A. Thielecke, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Digital twin for the determination of process input variables for electrochemical precision machining according to DIN SPEC 91399, 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Kraków, Poland, 21.04.2023

S. Loebel, T. Petzold, A. Martin, P. Steinert, A. Schubert, A. Thielecke, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Schulze: Comparison of electrochemical removal characteristics between magnetized and demagnetized NdFeB, 18th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Tokyo, Japan, 14.11.2022

J. Hülsmann, F. Reuter, M. Beutner, M. Wacker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, C.-D. Ohl, K. Bettenbrock, G. Janiga, M. P. Scherner, J. Wippermann: How to optimize coronary artery bypass graft prosthesis based on bacterial nanocellulose, 5th International Symposium on Bacterial Cellulose, Jena, Germany, 22.09.2022

S. Grießbach, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kausch, J. Grießbach: Non-destructive evaluation of mechanical properties of additive manufactured plastic parts by practical application of DIN SPEC 17028:2021-04, ASTM International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (ASTM ICAM), Anaheim, USA, 02.11.2021

T. Wienand, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Jet electrochemical machining simulation of intersecting line removals with adjustable nozzle diameter by a finite area element grid, 18th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16.06.2021

G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Experimental Characterization of Resource Efficient Process Chains for Electrochemical Precision Machining of Form-bore Patterns, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM XX), Zurich, Switzerland, 20.01.2021

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, P. Steinert, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Working Gap Analysis in Electrochemical Precision Machining of External Geometries with Ring Cathodes, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Zurich, Switzerland, 20.01.2021

I. Danilov, R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, S. Quitzke, A. Schubert: Random Sequential Simulation of the Resulting Surface Roughness in Plasma Electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Zurich, Switzerland, 20.01.2021

T. Berger, M. Herzig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H.-P. Schulze, A. Martin, O. Kröning, A. Schubert: Experimental Characterisation of a High Dynamic Piezo Module for Resource-efficient Electrothermal Precision Ablation, 20th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Zurich, Switzerland, 20.01.2021

T. Wienand, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Transient Removal Simulation of the Jet Electrochemical Machining Process based on a Finite Area Element Grid, 16th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Chemnitz, Germany, 24.11.2020

T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Deburring and Edge Shaping by Electrochemical Machining with Differentially Switched Currents, 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 15.11.2019

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, T. Petzold, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Modelling of Precise Electrochemical Machining for Nickel-based Centrifugal Impellers, 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 15.11.2019

S. Schröder, A. Martin, V. Kahle, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Removal rate and surface roughness in plasma-electrolytic polishing of 1.4441 stainless steel, 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 15.11.2019

S. Quitzke, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Process Design for Jet Plasma electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 15.11.2019

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Implementation of the Machine Tool-Specific Current and Voltage Control Characteristics in Multiphysics Simulation of Electrochemical Precision Machining, 17th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Sheffield, United Kingdom, 13.06.2019

R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, I. Danilov, M. Yahyavi Zanjani, A. Schubert: 3D Multiphysics Simulation of Jet Electrochemical Machining of Intersecting Line Removals, 17th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Sheffield, United Kingdom, 13.06.2019

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of Oxide Layer Growth in Localized Anodization of Aluminum Applying a Free-Surface Electrolyte Jet, 17th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Sheffield, United Kingdom, 13.06.2019

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Erfahrungsaustausch zur Einbindung studentischer Arbeiten in Promotionsvorhaben, Doktoranden-Werkstatt des Kompetenzzentrums Mikrofertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien KoMOT, Breitenbrunn, Germany, 23.03.2019

R. Morgenstern, A. Martin, N. Lehnert, I. Scharf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, T. Lampke: Localized anodization of the aluminum alloy en AW-7075 T6 by closed electrolytic free jet, 21. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 06.03.2019

T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Design of an Electrolyte System for Electrochemical Machining with Differentially Switched Currents, International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA), Stellenbosch, South Africa, 01.02.2019

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Design of Electrochemical Machining Processes for Microstructuring of High-strength Materials, 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Aachen, Germany, 28.11.2018

A. Martin, T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Experimental Derivation of Process In-put Parameters for Electrochemical Machining with Differentially Switched Currents, 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Aachen, Germany, 27.11.2018

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. Loebel, L. Boenig, A. Schubert, M. Putz: Characterization of the Lateral Working Distance in Precise Electrochemical Machining of Differently Heat Treated Steel, 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Aachen, Germany, 27.11.2018

S. Quitzke, O. Kröning, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H.-P. Schulze, C. Kranhold, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Design of a Test Rig for Local Surface Modification by Jet Plasma Electrolytic Polishing, 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Aachen, Germany, 27.11.2018

I. Danilov, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of the Removal Process in Plasma Electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, European COMSOL Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 24.10.2018

I. Schaarschmidt, P. Steinert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Analysis of a Microstructuring Process for Bolt Surfaces with Increased Friction, European COMSOL Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 23.10.2018

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Simulationsbasierte Gestaltung von elektrochemischen Abtragprozessen für hochfeste Materialien, 1. Kolloquium der sächsischen Allianz für Material- und ressourceneffiziente Technologien, Chemnitz, Germany, 31.05.2018

N. Lehnert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Study on the Influence of the Processing Speed in the Generation of Complex Geometries in Aluminium Matrix Composites by Electrochemical Precision Machining, 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Bilbao, Spain, 26.04.2018

T. Berger, H.-P. Schulze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Herzig, O. Kröning, A. Schubert: Design of a High Dynamic Piezo Module for Resource-efficient Electrothermal Precision Ablation, 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Bilbao, Spain, 26.04.2018

A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Fundamental Removal Geometry in Electrochemical Profile Turning with Continuous Electrolytic Free Jet, 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Bilbao, Spain, 25.04.2018

N. Lehnert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Derivation of Guidelines for Reliable Finishing of Aluminium Matrix Composites by Jet Electrochemical Machining, 19th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Bilbao, Spain, 25.04.2018

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Einbindung studentischer Arbeiten in Promotionsvorhaben – ein Erfahrungsaustausch, Doktoranden-Werkstatt des Kompetenzzentrums Mikrofertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien KoMOT, Marienberg, Germany, 17.03.2018

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Nestler, N. Lehnert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Erzeugung definierter Oberflächen bei der Endformgebung von partikelverstärkten Aluminiummatrix-Verbundwerkstoffen, 20. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 14.03.2018

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Zusammenarbeit bei Projektakquise und Projektdurchführung, Vollversammlung des Kompetenzzentrums Mikrofertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien KoMOT, Chemnitz, Germany, 24.01.2018

A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Removal Geometry in Electrochemical Straight Turning with Continuous Electrolytic Free Jet, 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Dresden, Germany, 01.12.2017

M. Yahyavi Zanjani, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Evaluation of On-Machine Gap Measurement Strategies in Jet-Electrochemical Machining, 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Dresden, Germany, 01.12.2017

S. Loebel, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Development of Interfaces for Material Data Integration in Models of Electrochemical Machining Processes, 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Dresden, Germany, 30.11.2017

G. Meichsner, T. Petzold, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz, G. Hahn: Reduplication of Precise Internal Geometries by Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Dresden, Germany, 30.11.2017

R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Approximation of the Flow Field in Electrochemical Machining Incorporating Pressure Drop Calculation, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 19.10.2017

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiscale Model of the PECM with Oscillating Cathode for External Geometries using a Virtual Switch, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 19.10.2017

R. Schimmelpfennig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Microstructuring of Joining Areas in Aluminum Alloy Sheets by Jet Electrochemical Machining, International Merge Technologies Conference, Chemnitz, Germany, 22.09.2017

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiscale Multiphysics Simulation of a Pulsed Electrochemical Machining Process with Oscillating Cathode for Microstructuring of Impact Extrusion Punches, 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Cluny, France, 16.06.2017

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, M. Kowalick, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Characterization of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Precise Internal Geometries by Multiphysics Simulation, 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Cluny, France, 15.06.2017

M. Herzig, T. Berger, H.-P. Schulze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, O. Kröning, A. Schubert: Modification of the process dynamics in micro-EDM by means of an additional piezo-control system, 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland, 26.04.2017

A. Schubert, T. Berger, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Treffkorn, R. Kühn: Surface Structuring of Boron Doped CVD Diamond by Micro Electrical Discharge Machining, 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland, 26.04.2017

R. Kühn, T. Berger, M. Prieske, R. Börner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Deposition and Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of CVD-Diamond Layers Incorporated with Silicon, 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland, 26.04.2017

D. Kuhn, A. Martin, C. Eckart, M. Sieber, R. Morgenstern, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, T. Lampke, A. Schubert: Localised anodic oxidation of aluminium material using a continuous electrolyte jet, 19. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 17.03.2017

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Einbindung studentischer Arbeiten in Promotionsvorhaben, Doktoranden-Werkstatt des Kompetenzzentrums Mikrofertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien KoMOT, Breitenbrunn, Germany, 18.03.2017

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Wertheim, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz: New Method to define Material Removal Characteristics in PECM - Pulsed Electro Chemical Machining, 34th Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 23.11.2016

A. Spille-Kohoff, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Schulze, S. Busan: 3D CFD Simulation of Electrochemical Machining Based on Dissolving Characteristics within the SIREKA Joint Research Project, 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Mechelen, Belgium, 18.11.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, G. Meichsner, C. Scherf, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Experimental Derivation of Processing Strategies for Electrochemical Precision Machining of Aluminium Matrix Composites, 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Mechelen, Belgium, 17.11.2016

A. Martin, D. Kuhn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Design and Realisation of a Specific Device for Jet Electrochemical Machining of Rotating Work Pieces, 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Mechelen, Belgium, 17.11.2016

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, T. Petzold, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz: Removal Characteristic of Stainless Steel in Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, 12th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Mechelen, Belgium, 17.11.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, R. Funke, A. Schubert: Unterstützung des selbstorganisierten Lernens im Rahmen der Betreuung studentischer Arbeiten, HDS.Forum, Dresden, Germany, 11.11.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, M. Kreißig, M. Kowalick, M. Zinecker, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Stamping and Extrusion Dies, European COMSOL Conference, Munich, Germany, 14.10.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, M. Kowalick, C. Scherf, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Analysis of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites, European COMSOL Conference, Munich, Germany, 13.10.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, R. Paul, M. Zinecker, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: 2-D Axisymmetric Simulation of the Electrochemical Machining of Internal Precision Geometries, European COMSOL Conference, Munich, Germany, 13.10.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Surface Characterization of Particle Reinforced Aluminum-Matrix Composites Finished by Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI), Charlotte, USA, 10.06.2016

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, M. Putz: Fast Determination of the Material Removal Characteristics in Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, 7th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC), Chemnitz, Germany, 

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, R. Kühn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. Flemmig, N. Treffkorn: Investigation of Ablation Behaviour in Micro-EDM of Nonconductive Ceramic Composites ATZ and Si3N4-TiN, 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Tokyo, Japan, 21.04.2016

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, S. Winkler, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, H. Zeidler, J. Edelmann: Generation of Complex Surfaces by Superimposed Multi-dimensional Motion in Electrochemical Machining, 18th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Tokyo, Japan, 20.04.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Antworten auf die hochschuldidaktischen Herausforderungen in der Betreuung studentischer Arbeiten, Doktoranden-Werkstatt des Kompetenzzentrums Mikrofertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien KoMOT, Breitenbrunn, Germany, 19.03.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Morgenstern, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, T. Lampke, A. Schubert: Basic Research on Electrochemical Machining of Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites, 11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Linz, Austria, 12.11.2015

A. Spille-Kohoff, R. Schulze, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. Busan: Optimized design of electrochemical machining processes by a combination of 3D simulation and rapid prototyping of cathodes, 11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Linz, Austria, 12.11.2015

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert, G. Hahn, M. Putz: Characterisation of the Influence of Material Hardness in Precise Electrochemical Machining of Steel, 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA), Brno, Czech Republic, 11.08.2015

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, M. Kowalick, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of the Material Removal in Jet Electrochemical Machining, 15th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Karlsruhe, Germany, 11.06.2015

O. Kröning, M. Herzig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Kühn, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of Tungsten Carbide with Ultra-Short Pulse, 18th International ESAFORM Conference, Graz, Austria, 15.04.2015

H. Zeidler, A. Martin, M. Kowalick, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Analysis of a PECM Electrode Concept for Micro Injection Moulds by Multiphysics Simulation, 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference, Milan, Italy, 31.03.2015

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Evaluation of Gap Control Strategies in Jet Electrochemical Machining on Defined Shape Deviations, 10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 13.11.2014

G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, T. Petzold, J. Edelmann, A. Schubert: Determination of the gas generation during precise electrochemical machining, 10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Saarbrücken, Germany, 13.11.2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Electrochemical Removal of Aluminium Matrix Composites Using Multiphysics Simulation, European COMSOL Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18.09.2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of the Electrolyte Flow in a Closed Device for Precise Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 17.09.2014

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, G. Meichsner: Charakterisierung des elektrochemischen Abtragverhaltens von Aluminiummatrix-Verbundwerkstoffen, 17. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 11.09.2014

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: An investigation into the influence of micro structures on nucleate boiling processes, 13th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and its Applications, A Coruña, Spain, 03.07.2014

O. Kröning, M. Herzig, H.-P. Schulze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Kühn, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Resource-efficient machining of hard metals, 17th International ESAFORM Conference, Espoo, Finland, May 2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Jet-ECM und Multiphysiksimulation, Praxis-Workshop Elektrochemisches Abtragen des Fraunhofer IWU , Chemnitz, Germany , 13.02.2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, L. Boenig, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, M. Krönert, A. Schubert: Precise Electrochemical Machining of Rotating Workpieces, 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Chemnitz, Germany , 12.11.2013

B. Hommel, F. Jähn, M. Scharrnbeck, R. Garn, A. Lenk, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Edge Rounding of Micro Bores by Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining, 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Chemnitz, Germany , 12.11.2013

H. Zeidler, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Jet Electrochemical Machining of Selective Laser Sintered Metals for Micro Injection Moulds, 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Chemnitz, Germany , 12.11.2013

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, L. Boenig, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Krönert, J. Edelmann: Resource-efficient Design of Precise Electrochemical Machining, 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Chemnitz, Germany , 12.11.2013

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert, B. Hommel, F. Jähn, M. Scharrnbeck, R. Garn, A. Lenk: 2D Axisymmetric Simulation of the Electrochemical Finishing of Micro Bores by Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 24.10.2013

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Determining of micro structuring technologies for nucleate boiling surfaces, 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Lisbon, Portugal, 20.06.2013

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, M. Hahn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider: Micro-EDM Milling of Electrically Nonconducting Zirconia Ceramics, 17th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Leuven, Belgium, 11.04.2013

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, M. Kowalick, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining for Functional Edge Shaping of Micro Bores, 17th CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining (ISEM), Leuven, Belgium, 10.04.2013

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Simulation und Anwendung des elektrochemischen Abtragens in der Präzisions- und Mikrofertigungstechnik, Doktoranden-Werkstatt der Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Abteilung Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Marienberg, Germany, 02.03.2013

A. Schubert, P. Steinert, T. Schmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Manufacturing of tribologically optimized surfaces for powertrain applications, 14th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), Hyogo, Japan, 09.11.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Effect of Tungsten Carbide Grain Size in Jet Electrochemical Machining, 8th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Krakow, Poland, 18.10.2012

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, J. Edelmann: Micro Wire Cutting by Pulsed Electrochemical Machining, 8th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Krakow, Poland, 18.10.2012

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, W. Meyer, M. Unger, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Edge rounding of EDM micro bores using a plasma electrolytic polishing process, 8th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Krakow, Poland, 18.10.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of the Electrochemical Finishing of Micro Bores, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 11.10.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, P. Plänitz, A. Schubert: Pseudo-3D Multiphysics Simulation of a Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy Reactor, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 11.10.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Martin, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Fast Micromilling with Jet Electrochemical Machining, 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia, 27.09.2012

H. Zeidler, M. Hahn, J. Schneider, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Accelerated Precision Manufacturing through Electro Discharge Machining with Ultrasonic Vibration Assistance, 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia, 27.09.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Habilitationsvorhaben im Forschungsgebiet elektrochemisches Abtragen, Doktoranden-Werkstatt der Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Abteilung Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Marienberg, Germany, 23.03.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Neue elektrothermische und elektrochemische Technologien der Mikrofertigung, Schlossgespräche im Schloss Forderglauchau, Glauchau, Germany, 21.03.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Verfahrensvarianten und Anwendungen des elektrochemischen Abtragens in der Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung, Institutsseminar des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Silicatforschung, Würzburg, Germany, 02.02.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Strom als Werkzeug – Anwendungen des elektrochemischen Abtragens in der Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung, 3. Industriegespräch Chemnitz/Jena des Arbeitskreises für Industrie und Wirtschaft der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Chemnitz, Germany, 23.11.2011

H.-H. Wolters, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner: The undeveloped opportunities of Electrochemical Jet machining, Seminar Micro and Precision Manufacturing at Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology, Aachen, Germany, 22.11.2011

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Martin: Evaluation of the Influence of the Electric Potential in Jet Electrochemical Machining, 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Vienna, Austria, 03.11.2011

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, J. Edelmann: Pulsed Electrochemical Machining of Powder Metallurgy Steels, 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Vienna, Austria, 03.11.2011

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, S. F. Jahn, A. Schubert: Design of Electrochemical Machining Processes by Multiphysics Simulation, European COMSOL Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 27.10.2011

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, J. Edelmann: Precision and Micro ECM with Localized Anodic Dissolution, 8th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies (ICIT&MPT), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 03.10.2011

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, N. Wolf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider: Ultrasonic Assistance and Nonconductive Materials: Shifting the Boundaries of Micro-EDM, 8th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies (ICIT&MPT), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 03.10.2011

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Effiziente und präzise Metallbearbeitung durch elektrochemisches Abtragen, Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium zum 20. Gründungsjubiläum der SITEC Industrietechnologie GmbH, Chemnitz, Germany, 19.08.2011

A. Schubert, J. Edelmann, D. Sylla, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Structuring of tribological active surfaces for reduction of frictional losses, 11th euspen International Conference, Cernobbio, Italy, 26.05.2011

A. Schubert, S. F. Jahn, B. Müller, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Study on the Influence of the Forming Velocity in Micro Impact Extrusion with Modular Dies, 11th euspen International Conference, Cernobbio, Italy, 25.05.2011

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Auslegung von elektrochemischen Bearbeitungsprozessen mittels Multiphysiksimulation, ECM Technologie Forum der SITEC Industrietechnologie GmbH , Chemnitz, Germany, 10.05.2011

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, H. Zeidler, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Micro Machining of Different Steels with Closed Electrolytic Free Jet, 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Belfast, United Kingdom, 28.04.2011

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, N. Wolf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen: Micro Electro Discharge Machining of Electrically Nonconductive Ceramics, 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Belfast, United Kingdom, 27.04.2011

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Micro Turning with Closed Electrolytic Free Jet, 6th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Brussels, Belgium, 05.11.2010

A. Schubert, J. Edelmann, S. Gross, H. Zeidler, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert, N. Wolf, J. Schneider: Micromanufacturing Of Hard To Machine Materials By Physical And Chemical Ablation Processes, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies Conference (AMPT), Paris, France, 24.10.2010

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Oberflächenstrukturierung mit geschlossenem elektrolytischen Freistrahl, Workshop Oberflächenstrukturierung von rotationssymmetrischen und prismatischen Werkstücken der SITEC Industrietechnologie GmbH, Chemnitz, Germany, 20.10.2010

A. Schubert, R. Neugebauer, D. Sylla, M. Avila, M. Hackert: Fertigungs- und Oberflächentechnologien für anforderungsgerechte, tribologisch effiziente Oberflächen von Umformwerkzeugen und Powertrain-Bauteilen, 1. Internationales Kolloquium des Spitzentechnologieclusters eniPROD, Chemnitz, Germany, 25.06.2010

M. Hackert: Erfolgsfaktoren für eine Promotion, Doktoranden-Werkstatt der Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Abteilung Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Marienberg, Germany, 26.03.2010

M. Hackert: EC-Technologien und Applikationen an Fraunhofer IWU und TU Chemnitz, Eröffnung des PEM-Application-Centers am Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Chemnitz, Germany, 28.01.2010

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Generating plane and microstructured surfaces applying Jet Electrochemical Machining, 5th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Dresden, Germany, 26.11.2009

G. Meichsner, M. Hackert, A. Schubert: Abtragende und abformende Fertigungsverfahren für die Medizintechnik, RAPROMED® 2009 - Brücke zwischen Medizin und Technik, Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge, Germany, 29.10.2009

A. Schubert, R. Pohl, M. Hackert: Simulation of a Modular Die Stamp for Micro Impact Extrusion, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 16.10.2009

A. Schubert, M. Hackert, G. Meichsner: Simulating the Influence of the Nozzle Diameter on the Shape of Micro Geometries Generated with Jet Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 15.10.2009

A. Schubert, M. Hackert, G. Meichsner: Elektrochemisches Strukturieren von Oberflächen mit geschlossenem elektrolytischen Freistrahl, 12. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 01.10.2009

M. Hackert: Elektrochemisches Abtragen - Ein Verfahren der Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung, Meeting der PEM Applikationszentren der PEMTec SNC , Forbach, France, 28.09.2009

M. Schneider, S. Schroth, A. Michaelis, M. Hackert, A. Schubert: Electrochemical machining – an unconventional manufacturing process, 29. Internationaler Ausstellungskongress für Chemische Technik, Umweltschutz und Biotechnologie (ACHEMA), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 14.05.2009

M. Hackert: Entwicklung und Simulation eines Verfahrens zum elektrochemischen Abtragen von Mikrogeometrien mit geschlossenem elektrolytischen Freistrahl, Doktoranden-Werkstatt der Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Abteilung Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Marienberg, Germany, 21.03.2009

M. Hackert: Mein Weg zur Promotion, Doktoranden-Werkstatt der Professur Mikrofertigungstechnik der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und der Abteilung Präzisions- und Mikrofertigung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Marienberg, Germany, 20.03.2009

M. Schneider, S. Schroth, A. Michaelis, M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Electrochemical Machining (ECM) – ein unkonventionelles Fertigungsverfahren, AGEF Symposium, Düsseldorf, Germany, 18.11.2008

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Simulation of the Shape of Micro Geometries generated with Jet Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Hannover, Germany, 06.11.2008

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Fast Micro Structuring with Electrolyte Jet Machining, 4th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Chemnitz, Germany, 25.10.2007

A. Schubert, M. Hackert, G. Meichsner: Electrochemical drilling of deep micro holes with bulk electrodes, 3rd International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT), Dresden, Germany, 26.10.2006

J. Döring, V. Voropai, A. Thielecke, O. Maiß, M. Müller, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Häberle, C. H. Lohmann, J. Bertrand: Steigerung des Torsionswiderstands der Konussteckverbindung durch einen angepassten Fertigungsprozess der CoCrMo Hüftkugel, 12. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB), Köln, Germany, 28.-30.09.2022

J. Hülsmann, F. Reuter, M. Beutner, T. Fraune, V. Beck, M. Wacker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, C.-D. Ohl, K. Bettenbrock, M. Scherner, J. Wippermann: Improving the Biofunctionality of Bacterial Nanocellulose Hydrogel Scaffolds by Bioprocessing Strategies, 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), Bordeaux, France, 04.-08.09.2022

M. Penzel, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Numerical Investigation of Electrolyte Flow in a Multi-Cathode System for Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 22.-24.10.2018

I. Danilov, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of the Removal Process in Plasma Electrolytic Polishing of Stainless Steel, European COMSOL Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 22.-24.10.2018

I. Schaarschmidt, P. Steinert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation-based Analysis of a Microstructuring Process for Bolt Surfaces with Increased Friction, European COMSOL Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 22.-24.10.2018

N. Lehnert, A. Martin, J. W. Mwangi, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, R. Morgenstern, T. Lampke: Multiphysics Simulation of Localised Anodisation of Aluminium, 18th euspen International Conference, Venice, Italy, 04.-08.06.2018

M. Yahyavi Zanjani, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Experimental Study on Jet Electrochemical Machining of Intersecting Single Grooves, euspen Special Interest Group Meeting: Micro/Nano Manufacturing, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 08.-09.11.2017

R. Paul, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Approximation of the Flow Field in Electrochemical Machining Incorporating Pressure Drop Calculation, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 18.-20.10.2017

I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiscale Model of the PECM with Oscillating Cathode for External Geometries using a Virtual Switch, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 18.-20.10.2017

P. Steinert, R. Paul, I. Schaarschmidt, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, T. Muschalek, J. Esslinger, A. Schubert: Analysis of Mixing Chambers for the Processing of Two-component Adhesives for Transport Applications, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 18.-20.10.2017

M. Penzel, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Ludwig, A. Adamczewski, A. Schulz, M. Lausberg: Investigation of Forced Convection in Pin Structured Cold Plates for Improved Heat Transfer and Heat Spreading, 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Iguazu Falls, Brazil, 12.-15.06.2017

M. Sieber, R. Morgenstern, D. Kuhn, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert, T. Lampke: Downscaled anodic oxidation process for aluminium in oxalic acid, 19. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 16.-17.03.2017

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Funke, A. C. Bullinger-Hoffmann, A. Schubert: Interaktive Aktivierung von Studierenden der Fakultät für Maschinenbau in der Grundlagenausbildung zur Fertigungslehre, HDS.Forum, Dresden, Germany, 11.11.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, M. Kowalick, C. Scherf, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Analysis of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites, European COMSOL Conference, Munich, Germany, 12.-14.10.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, R. Paul, M. Zinecker, D. Kuhn, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: 2-D Axisymmetric Simulation of the Electrochemical Machining of Internal Precision Geometries, European COMSOL Conference, Munich, Germany, 12.-14.10.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, M. Kreißig, M. Kowalick, M. Zinecker, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of an Electrochemical Machining Process for Stamping and Extrusion Dies, European COMSOL Conference, Munich, Germany, 12.-14.10.2016

A. Martin, C. Eckart, N. Lehnert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Generation of Defined Surface Waviness on Tungsten Carbide by Jet Electrochemical Machining with Pulsed Current, 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI), Charlotte, USA, 08.-10.06.2016

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, P. Neumann, H. Zeidler: Thermal measurement technology for forced convection on microstructured heat exchangers, euspen Special Interest Group Meeting: Thermal Issues, Prague, Czech Republic, 17.-18.03.2016

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, A. Schubert: Jet Electrochemical Machining of Particle Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites with Different Neutral Electrolytes, 18. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 10.03.2016

A. Schubert, U. Götze, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, F. Herold, G. Meichsner, A. Schmidt: Evaluation of the Technical-Economic Potential of Particle- Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites and Electrochemical Machining, 18. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium (WTK), Chemnitz, Germany, 10.03.2016

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, A. Martin, G. Meichsner: Analysis of the Electrochemical Dissolution Characteristics of High-Strength Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites, 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA), Brno, Czech Republic, 09.-14.08.2015

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, N. Lehnert, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Analysis of the Electrochemical Removal of Aluminium Matrix Composites Using Multiphysics Simulation, European COMSOL Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 17.-19.09.2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Transient Simulation of the Electrolyte Flow in a Closed Device for Precise Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 17.-19.09.2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Analysis of Strategies for Gap Control in Jet Electrochemical Machining, 14th euspen International Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 02.-06.06.2014

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, A. Martin, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, K. Kempen, J.-P. Kruth: Jet-Electrochemical Machining of Selective Laser Melted Aluminum and Steel Alloys for Micro Injection Moulds, 14th euspen International Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 02.-06.06.2014

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Application of Nucleate Boiling with Micro Structured Surfaces for Electronic Cooling, International Conference and Exhibition for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM EUROPE), Nuremberg, Germany, 19.-21.05.2014

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert, B. Hommel, F. Jähn, M. Scharrnbeck, R. Garn, A. Lenk: 2D Axisymmetric Simulation of the Electrochemical Finishing of Micro Bores by Inverse Jet Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23.-25.10.2013

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, R. Paul, M. Penzel, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Simulation of Heat Transfer on Periodic Microstructured Surfaces for Evaporation Cooling, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23.-25.10.2013

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kreißig, M. Kowalick, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert, O. Kröning, M. Herzig, H.-P. Schulze: Single Discharge Simulations of Needle Pulses for Electrothermal Ablation, European COMSOL Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23.-25.10.2013

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Energy-efficient cooling using microstructures for nucleate boiling process, International Conference and Exhibition for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM EUROPE), Nuremberg, Germany, 14.-16.05.2013

A. Schubert, M. Zinecker, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler, J. Edelmann: Micro Structured Surfaces for Thermodynamic Applications, euspen 3rd Topical Meeting - Structured and Freeform Surfaces, Teddington, United Kingdom, 05.-06.12.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Kowalick, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Multiphysics Simulation of the Electrochemical Finishing of Micro Bores, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 10.-12.10.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Penzel, P. Plänitz, A. Schubert: Pseudo-3D Multiphysics Simulation of a Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy Reactor, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 10.-12.10.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, A. Martin, H. Zeidler, A. Schubert: Fast Micromilling with Jet Electrochemical Machining, 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia, 27.-29.09.2012

H. Zeidler, M. Hahn, J. Schneider, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Schubert: Accelerated Precision Manufacturing through Electro Discharge Machining with Ultrasonic Vibration Assistance, 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia, 27.-29.09.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, A. Martin, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Micro Structuring of Carbide Metals with Jet Electrochemical Machining, 12th euspen International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 05.-08.06.2012

A. Schubert, G. Meichsner, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, H. Zeidler: Functional Edge Shaping of Micro Bores by Applying Electrochemical Machining, 12th euspen International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 05.-08.06.2012

A. Schubert, H. Zeidler, N. Wolf, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, J. Schneider: Ultrasonic-Assisted Micro-EDM of Deep Bores: Process and Discharge Analysis, 12th euspen International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 05.-08.06.2012

A. Schubert, M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, M. Zinecker, M. Lausberg, A. Schulz: Energy-Efficient Evaporation Cooling of High-Power Electronics Using Innovative Micro Structured Surfaces, International Conference and Exhibition for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM EUROPE), Nuremberg, Germany, 08.-10.05.2012

M. Hackert-Oschätzchen, G. Meichsner, M. Zinecker, A. Schubert: Precision Turning with localized anodic dissolution, 11th euspen International Conference, Cernobbio, Italy, 23.-27.05.2011

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, S. F. Jahn, A. Schubert: Investigating the Influence of Dynamic Jet Shapes on the Jet Electrochemical Machining Process, European COMSOL Conference, Paris, France, 17.-19.11.2010

A. Schubert, S. F. Jahn, M. Hackert: Simulation of a Forming Process for Joining a Piezo Aluminium Module, European COMSOL Conference, Paris, France, 17.-19.11.2010

S. F. Jahn, S. Ebert, M. Hackert, W. A. Goedel, A. Schubert, R. R. Baumann: Simulation of the Mechanical Stability of Inkjet-Printed Hierarchical Microsieves, European COMSOL Conference, Paris, France, 17.-19.11.2010

A. Schubert, R. Pohl, M. Hackert: Micro Impact Extrusion of Precision Cavities with Modular Dies, 10th euspen International Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, 31.05.-04.06.2010

M. Hackert, A. Schubert, G. Meichsner: Simulation of a Heated Tool System for Jet Electrochemical Machining, European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, 14.-16.10.2009

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Generating Micro Geometries with Air assisted Jet Electrochemical Machining, euspen 10th Anniversary International Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, 18.-22.05.2008

M. Hackert, G. Meichsner, A. Schubert: Electrochemical Machining of Carbide Metal Micro Tools, 7th euspen International Conference, Bremen, Germany, 20.-24.05.2007